Navarra seamlessly merges its people with the landscape, history, cuisine. Moreover, it is located in an area with an abundance of water, which together with the harsh climate; result in exceedingly fertile soil, giving us one of the major vegetable-growing areas in the world.
The town of Mendavia is located in Navarra, northern Spain, and it is known for having produce protected by no less than 10 Designation of Origin (D.O.).
Over three generations the Cayo-Sainz family have spent more than 70 years harvesting and processing artisan vegetable preserves in the market garden area of La Ribera de Navarra. In 1987 and firmly intent on striving to give a new twist to the selection of produce and the manufacturing and marketing processes of vegetables preserves, the Sainz family launched La Catedral de Navarra (LC).
Since then, the brand has become synonymous with top chefs and those with the most discerning palates, providing restaurateurs with our top-quality vegetable produce in order to turn Spanish gastronomy into one of the best in the world.
LC has spent 20 years researching and working on concepts that are very much in vogue in the present time, such as: the Mediterranean diet, salt-free products, the ecological and bio-sustainable agriculture or heart-healthy eating.
At LC the land where the produce is grown is of absolute, prime importance and selected with utmost care and is monitored by their respective Designations of Origin.
All processes, both out in the fields as well as in the factory, are governed and monitored by the standards set down by the IFS (International Food Standard), ensuring quality and safety, while striking a balance between the charm of traditional processes and new technologies.
The geographical area of production of the Tudela’s artichokes includes 32 towns of La Ribera de Navarra. Only the variety "Blanca de Navarra" is cultivated in Navarra.
1.1 Natural season
The plantation should be done in early August and the harvesting in a phased manner; the production starts in mid-October and lasts until the first frost (December).
The ideal temperature is between 15 and 18 ºC. Harvesting is done by hand, every six or seven days.A second sprouting is harvested from February to June.
1.2 The canned artichoke
Whole artichokes with no signs of crushing or impact, healthy, clean and fresh appearance are the ones going to canned.
Acidifier substances or additives to correct acidity are not used in the elaboration process; the sterilization process is achieved by heat treatment, so that the organoleptic conditions of the prepared artichoke are similar to the fresh product once prepared by cooking.
Canned artichokes must be packaged presenting a uniform aspect in terms of colour, size and consistency of the product.
1.3 Organoleptic characteristics and nutritional values
Crispy, slightly bitter and juicy, giving a feeling of freshness once tasted. Most of the leaves can be eaten.
It contains the following nutritional values (per 100 grams): 82% water, 2.4% protein, 0.12% fat, 9.5% carbohydrates. It is remarkable its high content of potassium, calcium and magnesium. Vitamin content: A, E, B1, B2 and C.
The substance that gives a slightly bitter taste is the cinarina, which stimulates bile secretion, having also other important medicinal properties.
The artichoke is rich in carbohydrates most notably the inulin, which makes the artichokes a food strongly recommended in diabetics diets.
It is also a perfect product for diets. In addition, the artichoke is very rich in fiber and it helps the intestinal transit. It is also an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus and other minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
1.4 Culinary preparation
Due to its culinary properties, the artichokes can be prepared as cooked vegetables, vegetable soup, uncooked in salads, blanched and breaded, grilled (roasted), stewed, braised with clams, in addition to rice, in stews with meat...
We suggest a simple and delicious recipe for this exceptional product: Pasta with sautéed artichokes .Enjoy it.
2.1 Navarra Asparagus History
The history of its cultivation and its culinary culture, date back to the Roman city of Andelos in Mendigorría, Olite, home of the kings of Navarra, the Camino de Santiago, Tafalla, Tudela or Pamplona, among other places. In these places, ancient Roman dishes can be discovered, recipes stored in monasteries for years, and other popular cuisines typical of the area.
The asparagus is one of the most emblematic products of this fertile and matchless natural larder of the Ribera del Ebro. On the banks of this river, with a warm Mediterranean climate and located in a landscape softly scattered with hills and small mountain ranges, the Autonomous regions of Navarre, Aragon, and La Rioja are located. This area is the production area of the Espárrago de Navarra which belongs to this Designation of Origin (D.O.).
Unlike green asparagus, the white ones grow beneath the ground and they should not receive sunlight. At the moment the asparagus emerges from the groove in which it grows, the tip becomes green or purple from the effect of sunlight. As a result, the collection must be done by hand, opening a small hole in the groove and removing the asparagus with the maximum care.
2.2 Cultivation and harvesting
The asparagus is planted during February, placing it at the bottom of a groove and covering it with soil afterwards. However, this precious vegetable cannot be harvested for one year.
Then, the spring days will begin at 6 am for the farmer, as he must harvest the asparagus before the tip emerges from the ground and the sunlight darkens its white and delicate bud.
The harvested vegetable has to be immediately canned or sold fresh.
2.3 Organoleptic characteristics and nutritional values
Historically, asparagus have been a food with taste and presence. But apart from its culinary prestige, its therapeutic properties should be also considered. It is a meal with a very low level of calories and protein, along with high content of fiber, that makes it ideal for constipation treatment.
They have been described as an excellent diuretic and sedative to control blood pressure. They also have a significant presence of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium and they are high invitamins, such as B1 C1, A and E, folic acid and high-quality vegetable proteins.
Finally, inhibiting actions on the growth of leukaemia cells have been discovered in recent research studies by scientists in USA.
2.4 How to prepare them
It has to kept in mind that asparagus should be tasted at room temperature, not directly from the fridge.
An exceptional presentation to surprise your guests would be a tempered dish with asparagus, accompanied by a poultry egg yolk per person, served in an individual bowl.
Each egg yolk should have a good extra virgin olive oil and sea salt. Then pour the bowl content in each individual plate, and mix it gently with a fork making a sauce. This sauce will be used as a base on which the asparagus will be placed.
Simply extraordinary. Enjoy it
We suggest something as simple and exclusive as this delicacy: Piquillo Peppers from Lodosa (with D.O.), sweet pepper, intense red colour, perfect length (8 to 10 cm), triangular shape, whole and uncut, thin flesh walls and an average weight between 50 and 80 grams.
Fire-roasted; peeled individually by hand, completely natural and packed by expert and qualified hands from Navarra itself.
It's that simple. It’s exclusive. Surprise yourself. Surprise your friends.
3.1 Organoleptic characteristics
In the southwest of Navarra, is grown Piquillo Peppers from Lodosa, ecotype of Piquillo and indigenous variety of Navarra, in the geographical term that bears his name, Lodosa and in the neighboring towns (Andosilla, Azagra, Cárcar, Lerín, Mendavia, San Adrián and Sartaguda), reaches its maximum eating quality.
The pepper certified by the Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.) Pimiento del Piquillo de Lodosa must belong to the production of whole canned fruits from the categories Extra and First Class of the "piquillo" variety, and must have been cultivated and manufactured exclusively in the eight authorized districts included in the Regulations.
Recognized by its red colour, small size (8-10 cm. Long), flat-triangular shape with a characteristic slightly curved tip. The average fruit weight is 35-50 grams and its meat is thin and compact.
Planting is done in late May and harvesting is done manually between September and November.
3.2 A gastronomic gem
This small delicacy has been part of the spanish cuisine for nearly 50 years. In the 60's, the piquillo peppers from Lodosa had very little production, eaten locally only.
But with the Ebro valley being a usual “summer area” from other nearby regions, gradually the canned piquillo peppers from Lodosa became very popular as "exquisite products" to take back home.
Very common in Spain, they could be served as a secondary ingredient to accompany any meat dish or as a in any sauce or as a main ingredient when it is stuffed with some other products.
Every chef has a "particular" recipe with Lodosa Piquillo peppers.
It does not matter if the plate is meat or fish, seafood or vegetables, this "gem" harmonizes well with any other product: rice, potatoes, pasta, etc.., it is a good “asset” to have in the kitchen.
And to satisfy your appetite, an infallible classic: Hake with sweet Piquillo peppers. Enjoy!
Why in GourmetVip - Conservas La Catedral
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